I suspect that this was due to an overlay that can show the likely spawn points of ships. Two teams battle in matches lasting up to 15 minutes. The game is developed on the same engine as the World of Tanks, BigWorld, but, according to developers, it will be specially adapted for aircraft. In fact only one time i am fairly certain someone used a hack on me, early game, i was a bit slow to start moving (because i was chatting in combat chat about where to go) i was citadelled at my starting location by a kongo (in some of the smaller maps the kongo can reach the spawn zones with plane up) before the '6th sense' skill went off. World of Warplanes is a multiplayer online arcade flight simulator. It is very rare I see something i find suspicious in game to the point where i think someone have done something he shouldn't have been able to. This i have done mostly because i don't cheat and i get called a hacker a lot, double citadel with detonation? HACKER! or maybe i just know how to aim my yamatos guns? This one is easy, know your opponent, I have read up on what the various 3rd party software or mods can do, so i can tell if people are cheating. But why search for it if you hate it and/or not trying/want to use it?